Monday 7 July 2008

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Bella Stamps!

I'm hooked on stamping!
My friend told me about these bella stamps, and I think they are soooooooo gorgeous!
She also told me about the water crayons by Lyra which I used to colour the image, and I think the effect is Fantastic.............
I'll definatly be stamping more in future,
Thanks Emma x

Sunday 13 April 2008

Polka Dot Challenge

What a cute sweetie box!
I'm taking part of a pink petticoat polkadot paper challenge and this is one of my pieces
I will be submitting!
I'm so pleased with the end result, I thought I should take some pics..............

Card for Joff

I had no idea what to do when I was asked to do this card last minute for a customer
I had to make use of my resources that I had
Lucky a friend gave me some ideas and inspiration, and I was plased with the outcome,
so was the customer
(Thank goodness)

Monday 7 April 2008

Friday 4 April 2008

Poppi Craft

Just look at all my goodies I recieved from Poppi Crafts!
I can't wait to use them on my projects......
and at such resonable price.

Sweets! yumm yumm

Jelly babies, my favourite!
It was my son's concert at nursery today and I wanted to give his teachers a little treat for doing a wonderful job!

My Friend's 4oth

Polka Dots, I love them!

Monday 24 March 2008

My son's Easter bonnet!

My Son's creation with some help from mummy!

We went down to the good old resource centre and picked up this beautful coloured card and wire and came up with this creation!

How cool, well my son thought it was!


How cute are these!

I went to my local resource centre the other day and I picked up these fab sweetie pots, which i covered with white paper and decorated with felt, buttons and ribbon!

I loved making these and my children thought they were wonderful, especially as thay had chocolates in!

Also again with felt and buttons I gave these paper nakins a bit of a face lift, how easy!

Monday 11 February 2008

Sunday 10 February 2008


I made his card for my husband from my freebie amour collection!

Monday 7 January 2008

Card for my hubby

Card for Daddy

Look what my adorable boys made for their daddy!

Wasn't he lucky.

I think this card is so cute, I just painted the boys hand and then cut round the outline then stuck them on a tree template which I made out of card, so that it was stiff enough to stand up.

And to finish of I cut a star out by drawing round a cookie cutter how easy was that!

Charlie & Lola

How Cute is this!
I made this card from free downloads on Cbeebies and then added a few of my own embellishments on it!
I hope Frankie & Georgia liked there card?